Explore Greenville

Explore Greenville: Check Out the Vibrant Public Art Scene in Greenville, SC
Lincoln Steffens once said that, “Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.” Art brings beauty and complexity to the human experience, preserving the past and pushing towards the future. For this reason, Greenville, SC, is passionate about displaying public art for all to enjoy. Amidst the bustling streets, travelers will find historical statues, towering sculptures, and vibrant murals, each with their own story to tell. Discover the city’s unique character through its 125+ pieces, created by both local and international artists. Don’t know where to start? Check out our “Top 5” list for vibrant public art pieces in Greenville, SC.

IL Porcellino
Arguably, one of the most well known and beloved statues in Greenville, SC, is Il Porcellino. Located in front of the TD Bank building, the detailed boar statue is a replica of Pietro Tacca’s original Il Porcellino, a 17th century statue in Florence, Italy. The reason why most locals love Il Porcellino is because it is surrounded by legend. Supposedly, those who rub his nose will one day return to him. Additionally, if a coin is placed in Il Porcellino’s mouth, and then it falls to the water below, the coin owner will have good luck. It was unveiled on October 25th, 2011, by the Young Friends of Florence, and it has been treasured by the community ever since.

Mice on Main
The classic children's’ book “Goodnight, Moon,” was the inspiration behind one of Greenville’s favorite, hidden attractions. Nine bronze mice have been hidden around Greenville, on both sides of Main Street. Sculpture Zan Wells brought the nine unique mice to life in 2000, and finding them soon became a zany art scavenger hunt, especially for children. With clues like: “You’ll find Father Marvin near the Roost. He brought his book to give his reading a boost,” seekers must use their mind and movements to find the critters. Can you follow the clues to find each one? And, don’t forget to stop by Mast General Store to purchase a bronze mouse to take home!

The Butterfly Project
Not many people recognize that the city of Greenville, SC, is discreetly decorated with hundreds of steel butterfly sculptures. Artist Yuri Tsuzuki organized The Butterfly Project to represent the transformative nature of Greenville, and its drastic metamorphosis from a textile town to a modern metropolis. Visitors can spot butterflies on lamp posts, buildings, and parking garages throughout the city. Tsuzuki has created three specific pieces that link together to create the project. “Butterfly Journey” is an archway sculpture at the entryway of Cancer Survivor’s Park that is meant to introduce the theme and create a sense of hope. Additionally, “Do Butterflies Dream” is a wall sculpture located outside the Peace Center, and “Transformation” is a sculpture/mural that pays homage to Greenville’s changing history. So, keep an eye out for butterflies!

When driving through downtown Greenville, it is almost impossible to miss the “Canvas” mural because it is displayed across eight stories of the Canvas Tower. Created by Australian artist Guido Van Helton in 2020, this mural depicts Pearlie Harris, a retired teacher, and her students. The human subjects almost appear to be moving, based on the location of the viewer. The images and structure work together to create a theme of unity and diversity. After all, it was commemorated in Greenville exactly 50 years after segregation was abolished in Greenville County Schools. It serves as a reminder of the past and an inspiration for the future; one teacher, or one life, can make a difference in the lives of many.

Falls Lake Falls
There is beauty in not needing to understand a work of art; sometimes it is enough to simply enjoy it. So it is with Bryan Hunt’s “Fall Lake Falls” piece. Located at the entrance of Falls Park, on Main Street, this sculpture has welcomed tourists since 2004. It resembles a waterfall, suspended in air and frozen in time. Hunt describes it like “ a totem with a waterfall figure high above at the edge of the pool of a lake” and sees the water as a spiritual element. Don’t forget about this humble piece on the way to Falls Park. Sometimes the simple things bring just as much enjoyment as the complex, if seen with eyes of wonder.
Downtown Greenville is an art lover's paradise. Everywhere one looks, there are towering sculptures, detailed statues, and colorful murals. Individuals do not need to visit a gallery to enjoy artistic expression; it is already in the streets for all to enjoy. Whether visitors are searching for hidden mice or butterflies, or pausing to take in an eight story mural, Greenville is dedicated to providing artistically rich experiences. Stay curious because a new piece is just around the corner.